If the Schedule syncing of real-time datasets Tuesday at 9:00AM
checkbox was left checked during the setup process, a command prompt window
will launch weekly at that schedule. When the data download is happening, it’s
possible that you will see a decline in performance for the SOSx software. If
you plan on leaving the computer on all the time, you can set this download to
occur in the middle of the night to avoid potential performance issues.
If your computer happens to be off at 9:00am on Tuesday, you can use a manual
sync to get any new datasets that you are missing. This manual sync can be done
by opening your SOSx Utilities folder on your desktop and double
clicking SOSx Real-time Dataset Sync shortcut.
By default, the installer will set the scheduled task to be run every Tuesday
at 9:00AM your local time. However, the scheduled task can be modified by
starting the Task Scheduler found in the
Start menu.
Windows Task Scheduler
Double-clicking on the SOSx Full Dataset Sync task
pulls up the properties.
SOSx Full Dataset Sync task
Click on Properties in the Actions bar on the right to
edit the task.
Properties for the SOSx Full Dataset Sync task
The Triggers tab will let you change the time and
frequency of the scheduled full dataset sync.