There are a set of features in the SOS software that show statistics about how
often specific SOS data sets are displayed across the SOS network. At each SOS
site, every SOS play event is logged in a usage log, in the
$HOME/soslogs/ directory. Periodically, these log files are
automatically collected and sent to the SOS developers in Boulder, CO. There,
the logs are processed and the resulting aggregate statistics are displayed on
the SOS web site.
Four main parameters are recorded:
All plays of clips on the SOS machine. Statistics are only
shown for NOAA distributed datasets, but the proportion of site created to
NOAA-provided datasets is shown
The plays that occurred while SOS is in autorun mode. This
number will be a subset of Plays and is recorded so a distinction
can be made between docent-led presentations and autorun presentations
The total amount of time a dataset has been played
Autoplay Duration
The fraction of duration that a dataset has been in autorun mode