If you decide to submit a dataset for consideration to be part of the SOS
catalog, we will need all the content pieces and the playlist.sos file, along
with a written description of the dataset, a list of notable features, and the
credits for the dataset. All of this documentation is used to create an entry
in the SOS Dataset Catalog. The written description should be a simple overview
of the dataset that highlights the source of the data, whether it is modeled or
measured, what it shows, and why it’s important. It should be a non-technical
description that is easily understood. The “Notable Features” is a bulleted
summary of the highlights from the description that presenters can use when
showing the dataset to viewers. The credits are listed after the description
and should include:
Dataset Source
Dataset Developer
Dataset Visualization Developer
Contact (optional)
These can be the same for each listing, or all different and can include links
to the original sources. For examples, visit the SOS Dataset