Science On a Sphere® is a unique and captivating visualization tool for
educators. A recent cross-site evaluation shows that facilitation correlates
with learning.
While visitors who saw facilitated and unfacilitated presentations both report
learning new information, facilitation correlates strongly with visitors’
perception of learning. Those visitors who saw a facilitated presentation were
substantially more likely to state they had learned something new. Facilitation
also correlates with specific outcomes, including: increased understanding of
time and scale, increased understanding of constant change of the Earth and
increased perception of the sacredness of the Earth and need to take care of
Across the SOS Collaborative Network there are many different approaches to
giving facilitated SOS presentations. In addition, there are even many
different names for those who lead facilitated SOS presentations: docents,
explainers, interpreters, educators, volunteers, Galaxy Guides, and more. For
the purposes of this document, all presenters of facilitated SOS presentations
will be referred to as docents.
Thank you to all of the docents who contributed to this document.