Saturn was the only known ringed planet until 1977 when faint
rings were detected around Uranus. Saturn is probably best known
for its spectacular rings, but Saturn has many other unique
features. Saturn is actually not a spherical planet. Most of the
gas planets, in fact, flatten slightly and become oblate due to
their rapid rotation. This characteristic is most pronounced on
Saturn, where the equatorial diameter can be as much as 10% longer
than its polar diameter. This variability in Saturn's diameter is
due to its gassy composition of 75% hydrogen, 25% helium with
of water, methane, ammonia, and rock. Saturn has a small rocky
core, then a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen and a layer of
molecular hydrogen.
Like Jupiter and the other gas planets, Saturn has a banded
appearance in its coloration due to high winds in the atmosphere.
The bands are not as distinct as those on Jupiter, however, they are
very wide at the equator and easy to detect. Another similarity to
Jupiter is the storms that are visible on Saturn's surface in the
form of white or red ovals. However, none of these storms seem to
be as long-lived as the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Saturn also has distinctive storms producing more turbulent looking white clouds that appear on occasion.This view of Saturn has slightly enhanced colors and contrast to bring out color variations as well as
the white cloud storm features.