The National Climate Assessment is a congress mandated report elaborated by experts on climate science focused on climate change and its effects on the United States. This report aims to inform congress regarding the impacts, risks, and responses in the US based on the latest research and findings in the field, and it provides the scientific foundation for informed decision-making.
The Fifth National Climate Assessment documents observed and projected vulnerabilities, risks, and impacts associated with climate change across the United States and provides examples of response actions underway in many communities. It also provides key information regarding advancements on climate science and how those advances are helping us to develop better plans to face climate change.
NOAA participates actively on the elaboration of the report, providing valuable data, models, and information as well as experts for different chapters. Furthermore, NOAA does lots of work on mitigation supporting grassroots efforts to mitigate climate change in local communities. In this video we provide examples of this work that can inspire you to work in your own community.
Some images, videos, and music were licensed from GettyImages. The video was edited using a free open source video editing software Shotcut. Python code was used to make rotating videos from static videos or stills.
Datasets used on this video:
Colorized clouds
CO2 per capita and Vulnerability to climate change