This dataset provides a view of the topography and bathymetry of Earth by shading the continents and sea floor. Gray Earth also shows major continental river systems and drainages.
Longest Rivers in the world on each continent:
Africa - Nile - 4,132 miles (6,650 km)
South America - Amazon 4,000 miles (6,437 km)
Asia - Yangtze - 3,915 miles(6,300 km)
North America - Missouri - 2,540 miles (4,088 km)
Australia - Murray - 1,558 miles (2,508 km)
Europe - Volga - 2,266 miles (3,645)
According to the dataset source, Natural Earth Data, the relief shading and hypsography (study of Earth's topography; measurement and mapping of land elevations) are derived from the modified SRTM - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - Plus elevation data at 1km resolution. Daniel Huffman, University of Wisconsin, Madison created the regionally equalized hypsography that forms the foundation of the Gray Earth imagery.