The media2kiosk command-line utility is used in a terminal window on
the SOS machine to prepare files for use by the Public Kiosk. This utility
resides in the bin directory of the standard SOS installation, typically
/shared/sos/bin. It is normally used to generate the kiosk file
hierarchy as shown in Appendix A. The
generated files are then transferred from the SOS machine to the Windows kiosk
machine using the FTP tab in the Administration User Interface.
The most common use of media2kiosk is to generate the kiosk files
that are transferred to the kiosk machine after changing the main group file
(/shared/sos/kiosk/playlists/kiosk.sos, the group playlists under
(/shared/sos/kiosk/playlists/groups), or translation playlists
under (/shared/sos/kiosk/playlists/locale). Less commonly,
media2kiosk may be run when changes made to the SOS Data Catalog need
to be updated in the corresponding kiosk files.
The other options available in media2kiosk are not routinely used.
–verbose and –logging are helpful when troubleshooting
problems running media2kiosk
–root and –tr_root are used for developer testing
–ts_to_tsv, –tsv_to_ts, and –skip_datasets
are experimental and will become regular features in a future release