SOS Resources
Resources for teachers, docents, and any educator working with Science On a Sphere®
Science On a Sphere® (SOS) and SOS Explorer® (SOSx) are unique and captivating educational tools that are used in science museums, visitor centers, zoos, aquariums, laboratories, and schools around the world. The Science On a Sphere® team and the SOS Users Collaborative Network are continually looking for ways to expand the educational capabilities of SOS and SOSx.
The educational material created to support SOS and SOS Explorer® is available here, including scripts, lessons plans, and evaluations. This is a growing section, so please check back often!
Resources for teachers, docents, and any educator working with Science On a Sphere®
Links to educational resources specifically for SOS Explorer® and SOS Explorer® Mobile.
A group of educators within the SOS Collaborator's Network who meet quarterly to discuss primarily how SOS can effectively educate K–12 and beyond.
Use these mini-lessons of mapped datasets with Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) in formal education to increase data literacy.
Use datasets from NOAA’s Science On a Sphere® and SOS Explorer® to help explore and explain science phenomena.
Live Programs are carefully crafted presentations that use SOS datasets to tell a story and teach audiences about a specific topic such as ocean currents or extreme weather events.
This hands-on activity allows you to explore the idea of Earth data and the difficulty associated with flat maps, and to enjoy the process of making a little globe.
SOS Explorer® and the SOS Explorer® Mobile App are great tools for teaching! These YouTube videos from the SOSx team give you an idea of some of the lessons that can be taught with these great tools.
Videos of experts explaining some of the datasets available for Science On a Sphere®.
Resources on best practices from the SOS Network for creating content and presenting on a spherical display.