include = /shared/sos/media/land/blue_marble/blue_marble/playlist.sos rename = Blue Marble with Katrina PIP pip = katrina.jpg pipwidth = 50 pipheight = 31 pipalpha = 1 piptimer = 0 name = Accumulative Hurricane Tracks data = hurricane_tracks.jpg name = Hurricane Names by Location data = ty_cyc_hur.jpg name = Taino Hurucan Symbol data = Hurucan_transition.mp4 firstdwell = 2000 lastdwell = 2000 name = Instruments image data = Instruments.jpg name = Infrared Satellite Image of September Storms data = septstorms.mp4 firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 include = /shared/sos/media/atmosphere/2005_hurricane/wvsst/playlist.sos fps = 10 name = AMNH Animation of tropical cyclone cross section data = schematic.mp4 firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 name = AMNH Computer Model Animation data = computer_model.mp4 firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 name = AMNH Land Image data = Land.jpg name = AMNH Ocean Image data = Ocean.jpg name = AMNH Atmosphere Image data = Atmosphere.jpg name = AMNH computer grid with equation animation data = grid.mp4 firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 name = AMNH Computer Model compared to Satellite Data data = model_comparison.mp4 firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000